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Kongsbreen og Tre Kroner

Kongsvegen and Kongsbreen glaciers

Observe impressive glacier fronts

Information about Kongsvegen and Kongsbreen

The inner part of Kongsfjorden is popular for ship cruising and especially Zodiac cruising with the mountain scenery, some impressive glacier fronts, and the chance to explore the ice floes looking for wildlife, and the chance of a bear.

Also keep a look out for Long tailed Jaegers, one of the few places they breed in Svlbard is on the island of Ny London in the middle of Kongsford. A number of lakes and pools in the region can attract a range of waterbirds.

Pictures of Kongsvegen and Kongsbreen

Kongsbreen og Tre Kroner
Kongsbreen, Spitsbergen
Kongsbreen og Tre Kroner

Possible Activities in Kongsvegen and Kongsbreen


Wildlife observation

zodiac fleet

Zodiac rides

Highlights Close to Kongsvegen and Kongsbreen

Animals in Kongsvegen and Kongsbreen

Our trips to Kongsvegen and Kongsbreen

2024 Polartours, a Ventura TRAVEL GmbH brand

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