Ahlstrandodden and Bamsebu Arctic landing
A popular Svalbard landing site on your Arctic expedition cruise
Information about Ahlstrandodden and Bamsebu
These two sites are at the entrance to the southern arm of Bellsund - Van Keulenfjorden. Both sites, and the area between them, are scattered with remains from the Beluga, the white whale, that was hunted for the blubber and skin. There are piles of bleached bones and upturned wooden boats that were left when the area was abandoned in the 1930’s.
Beluga can be seen along the shore here. If you are lucky to encounter them it is poignant with their bleached bones on the shore.
It is popular site for a landing and to walk across the tundra between the two sites, looking for Arctic flowers, Reindeer, Arctic Foxes, and check out some hunter’s cabins and the remains of fox traps.
Also look out for Purple Sandpipers and Red Phalaropes feeding along the shoreline.
Interesting facts about Ahlstrandodden and Bamsebu
The surrounding mountains are spectacular with some impressive geology. A few cruise ships go further into this deep fjord towards Doktorbreen, but most prefer to do landings in Bellsund, and to ship cruise Hornsund.
Pictures of Ahlstrandodden and Bamsebu
Possible Activities in Ahlstrandodden and Bamsebu
Wildlife observation
Guided land tour