Akseløya Arctic Zodiac Rides
A popular zodiac cruise around the fjord system
Information about Akseløya
A long narrow island of hard bedrock at the entrance to Van Mijentfjorden, the northern fjord arm of Bellsund. It is popular for a Zodiac cruise around the island and through the narrow Mariasundet, with the strong currents that attract seabirds.
There is the chance of landing to explore the geology, but with lots of scouting first to make sure there is not a hidden bear. The surrounding mountains provide some spectacular scenery and some impressive geology. But few cruise ships go further into this deep fjord, preferring to do landings in Bellsund, and to ship cruise into Hornsund.
Interesting facts about Akseløya
This can be a good place to see Great Skua, a species that is expanding in Svalbard.
Pictures of Akseløya
Possible Activities in Akseløya
Zodiac rides