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Atlantic Walrus (Odobenus r. rosmarus) haul up

Kapp Lee

Photograph the incredible wildlife of the region

Information about Kapp Lee

Located on the NW corner of Edgeøya at the entrance to Freemansundet, Kapp Lee is the location of a Walrus haul out that is also a good location for Reindeer, the chance of Arctic Fox, and great tundra vegetation.

It is also a site of cultural significance with the foundations of a Pomor dwelling and several hunters cabin including a hexagonal shaped hut that is right next to the Walrus haul out. Just above the shoreline on nearby beach are the remains of a Bow Head Whale where the carcass must have drifted ashore long ago. Now, with isostatic rebound (the land slowly rising up after being pushed down under the weight when the whole of Svalbard was under an ice sheet) the bones are a short distance above the shoreline.

Pictures of Kapp Lee

Atlantic Walrus (Odobenus r. rosmarus) male
Atlantic Walrus (Odobenus r. rosmarus) haul up

Possible Activities in Kapp Lee


Wildlife observation

zodiac fleet

Zodiac rides

Highlights Close to Kapp Lee

Animals in Kapp Lee

Our trips to Kapp Lee

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