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A21 Magellan Explorer

Antarktis-Kreuzfahrten an Bord der Magellan Explorer

Ein hochmodernes Expeditionskreuzfahrtschiff, gebaut für Abenteuer und um Eis zu brechen!

Eine Polar-Kreuzfahrt an Bord der Magellan Explorer

17 Bewertungen


Was wir an der Magellan Explorer lieben

Flug-Kreuzfahrt-Experten, die über 200 Flug- und Kreuzfahrtabfahrten durchgeführt haben.

Das Unternehmen wurde in Punta Arenas, Chile, gegründet. Die Antarktis ist ihr Nachbar.

Magellan Explorer nutzt das Explorer's House als private Basis in Punta Arenas für seine Passagiere.

Alle Expeditionsgäste werden mit einem einzigen Flug in die und aus der Antarktis befördert.

Auf jeder Reise besteht das Team aus mindestens 12 erfahrenen Polarführern, deren oberste Priorität es ist, Ihnen ein unvergessliches Erlebnis zu bieten.

Magellan Explorer
Magellan Explorer

Willkommen an Bord der Magellan Explorer, einem hochmodernen Expeditionskreuzfahrtschiff, das für die Antarktis gebaut wurde. Eine Antarktisreise an Bord der Magellan Explorer ist anders als alle anderen. Anstatt sofort an Bord Ihres Kreuzfahrtschiffes zu gehen und lange Tage mit der Überquerung der Drake-Passage zu verbringen, um in die Antarktis zu gelangen, nehmen Sie einen zweistündigen Flug von Punta Arenas direkt auf den Kontinent selbst. Mit diesem Flug sparen Sie Zeit und können sich direkt auf das antarktische Geschehen einlassen. Die Magellan Explorer ist eine Pionier-Flugkreuzfahrt, die auf Abenteuer und Komfort ausgelegt ist.

Um die Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt zu begrenzen, beschränkt der Antarktisvertrag die Anzahl der Besucher an Land auf maximal 100 Personen gleichzeitig. Eine Flugkreuzfahrt der Magellan Explorer bietet Platz für nur 73 Gäste, so dass alle zur gleichen Zeit an Land gehen können. Das bedeutet, dass Sie mehr Zeit an Land verbringen und nicht warten müssen, bis Sie an der Reihe sind, das Schiff zu verlassen. Das Kreuzfahrtschiff Magellan Explorer bietet 7 verschiedene Unterkunftskategorien, darunter auch spezielle Einzelkabinen. Alle Kabinen, mit Ausnahme der Bullaugenkabinen, verfügen über einen privaten Balkon, den Sie nutzen können. Alle Kabinen verfügen über einen Kleiderschrank, eine individuell regulierbare Heizung, ein eigenes Bad, eine Sitzecke und Fußbodenheizung.

Das Kreuzfahrtschiff Magellan Explorer verfügt außerdem über ein wunderschönes gläsernes Aussichtsdeck, von dem aus die Gäste die unglaubliche Aussicht auf die Antarktis bewundern können. Im Präsentationsraum mit modernster audiovisueller Ausstattung können die Gäste an den Polardiskussionen teilnehmen. Das Polarkreuzfahrtschiff bietet auch eine Bibliothek, ein von den Profis von Anytime Fitness gebautes Boutique-Fitnessstudio, eine Sauna und eine medizinische Klinik.

Die Magellan Explorer ist mit einer Flotte von 10 Zodiac-Booten ausgestattet, die sich perfekt für ein Antarktis-Abenteuer und einen näheren Blick auf die Flora und Fauna eignen. Die Aussichtsplattform an Bord des Kreuzfahrtschiffes führt auch zum Bug des Schiffes, von wo aus Gäste und Besatzung die Meeresfauna und -flora besser beobachten können.

Eine Flugkreuzfahrt mit der Magellan Explorer ist die modernste Art, die faszinierende Antarktis zu erkunden. Diese zeitsparende, komfortable und intime Flugkreuzfahrt ist eine neue Art der Polarerkundung für alle, die nur über eine begrenzte Reisezeit verfügen.

Alle Routen, Termine & Preise von Magellan Explorer

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Annehmlichkeiten an Bord der Magellan Explorer





zodiac fleet

Zodiac Fleet



conference room



Privatflug in die Antarktis



doctor's suitcase

Medizinische Dienstleistungen



Die Nachhaltigkeits-Philosophie der Magellan Explorer

Zu unseren Nachhaltigkeitszielen gehören vor allem die aktive Verringerung der Auswirkungen und Emissionen unserer Schiffe, Investitionen in neue Technologien und die kontinuierliche Verbesserung unserer vorhandenen Ressourcen. Wir haben auch einen neuen emissionsarmen Motor in unser Veteranenschiff Ortelius eingebaut. Dieser Motor entspricht allen aktuellen Umweltvorschriften. Eine weitere wichtige Verpflichtung zur Nachhaltigkeit ist die Verwendung von schwefelarmem Marinegasöl (LSMGO), das einen Schwefelgehalt von weniger als 0,1 Prozent aufweist. Wir begrenzen die Abfallproduktion an Bord, indem wir so oft wie möglich recyceln und Einwegplastik verbieten. Auf diesem Schiff werden keine Strohhalme, Plastikbecher oder einzeln verpackte Butter, Joghurt und Marmelade verwendet. Das Schiff verfügt über eine Wasseraufbereitungsanlage und ein Entsalzungssystem, das mit Umkehrosmose arbeitet, so dass wir an Bord keine Wasserflaschen aus Plastik mehr verwenden. Stattdessen erhalten die Gäste eine wiederverwendbare Wasserflasche, die sie auf dem Schiff wieder auffüllen können. Die Badezimmer sind mit biologisch abbaubarem Shampoo und Seife in recycelten Verpackungen ausgestattet, was die Verwendung von Plastik weiter einschränkt.

Kabinen-Kategorien an Bord der Magellan Explorer

Penthouse Suites


Doppelbett (umbaubar)

Max. Belegung:


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Veranda Cabin


Doppelbett (umbaubar)

Max. Belegung:


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Dreibett Suiten



Max. Belegung:


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Porthole Kabine



Max. Belegung:


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Deluxe Veranda Cabins


Doppelbett (umbaubar)

Max. Belegung:


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Doppelbett (umbaubar)

Max. Belegung:


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Single Cabin



Max. Belegung:


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Technische Details der Magellan Explorer

Kleines Schiff
Ice Class 1A
90.7 m
14 knots

Bewertungen von Magellan Explorer

Marion K

Magellan Explorer Antarctica Cruises


It was an AMAZING journey through one of the most spectacular landscapes I have ever scene (if not the most). The boat was top of the line, the professional crew incredibly professional, knowledgeable and fun to hang out with. The service crew took well care of us during all the journey. The kayak pack is specially recommended and if you are lucky you will also a face to face hunch whale experience you will remember as your top wildlife adventure for life (copied from Trip Advisor)

Cristian Coudeu

Magellan Explorer Antarctica Cruises


Impressive trip, a beautiful destination that thanks to A21 becomes unforgettable. The concern for every detail, the professional level of the team, the joy with which they do their work make this experience something unique. Discovering Antarctica with A21 is a dream that we should all have. (copied from Trip Advisor)

Till K

Magellan Explorer Antarctica Cruises


We booked the 2.5 week trip incl. Antarctic peninsula and South Georgia. We received good information on clothing, recommended literature, itinerary etc. previously. The one night in Punta Arenas extended due to fog around the antarctic landing strip to three days, with an OK emergency program. The difficulty to get to Antarctica shows that it a somehow adventurous place and not normal tourism. Once arrived on board, we were welcomed nicely and shown the beautiful new vessel, the Magellan Explorer. The expedition staff and the crew are very friendly and professional. The cabins and excellent, all have balconies, mini bars are refilled all the time. Food on boards in really good and varied every day. Wine is OK. The expeditions are what you came for. Protocols are very strict, in order to protect wild life. Whats you see is totally amazing, in Antarctica the icebergs and white sceneries, later on in South Georgia the immense amount of king penguins, seals with puppies, etc. During the days of pure navigation, you can spot whales, albatrosses etc., and get very interesting lectures of Antarctic related topics (history, political situation, animals, etc.). Lecturers are excellent professionals, some are also funny. What could be improved? On our specific trip, the three days lost in the beginning were cut off just from the Antarctic peninsula part of the trip, nothing from South Georgia. Could have been more balanced. And in general, on zodiac tours without landing, people could be grouped by interest (photographers have other needs than the rest, some older people get cold earlier than some younger, etc.). Overall… a trip of the lifetime. I intend to do the pure Antarctic trip with the same company and the same vessel. (Copied from Trip Advisor)

Enzo R.

Magellan Explorer Antarctica Cruises


We travelled on the December 6-13, 2021 Classic Antarctica trip on Magellan Explorer, during the pandemic. We flew to Antarctica on Day 1 of the itinerary because it was not clear if we could fly as scheduled on Day 2. That created a bit of a commotion, also because a group of passengers in the end couldn't go due to one of their members testing positive for Covid during the pre-trip screening done by Antarctica21. After we left Punta Arenas for Antarctica, everything went very well. Being in Antarctica is wonderful, like a paradise. Magellan Explorer is in excellent condition and service is excellent. The food is very good, with a lot of variety. Excellent service in the dining room. The wines are very good and abundant. The gym is very good, as is the sauna. We had a barbecue dinner on the top deck and that was a hit, a very happy occasion for everyone. The landings and excursions were very good. The Expedition Team is excellent, very professional and well prepared. The zodiacs are impeccable. On the ship we enjoyed great presentations but we noticed that sometimes other guests seemed tired, which must have been a bit demotivating for the presenters. We didn’t see the officers much. As part of the Covid protocols, there was practically no contact with them. Our last day in Antarctica was a bit of challenge. There was some uncertainty on what to do with our luggage, when we would disembark, etc. Once we did disembark, we had to wait a long time in the open air before boarding the aircraft. It was windy and cold, with no shelter or bathroom. It was nothing compared with what early explorers experienced but any Antarctic traveler should be prepared for some discomfort. In the end, it was quickly forgotten and the good memories of a special trip is what remains. (Copied from Trip Advisor)

Christopher Horta

Magellan Explorer Antarctica Cruises


It was a 14-day trip through Antarctica and the Georgian Islands, the trip was incredible, the attention of the cleaning staff, the incredible meals, very good, the incredible landscapes, far exceeded expectations. Fully recommended for people who like landscape and wildlife photography above all, penguins, seals, sea lions, whales, killer whales, birds, etc. As advice to future travelers, be patient because boat trips are long, enjoy the benefits offered on the boat, but take advantage of resting in the moments when you are sailing from one side to another. (Copied from Trip Advisor)

Hillary S.

Magellan Explorer Antarctica Cruises


This was an exceptional travel experience throughout and so much better than we had expected. We signed up for the fly/sail trip (Feb22 to March 13) with Antarctica21. As we traveled to Punta Arenas to begin our trip to with A21, my husband, sister-, brother-in-law , and myself were all skeptical about whether the trip would be what we had hoped, given the complications of Covid-19 and previous negative reviews on this site about the company. However, A21 was outstanding--I can't say enough about how passionate the crew was in terms of accommodating the multiple needs of the guests. Despite lengthy delays of reaching the Antarctica peninsula due to weather, the staff remained positive and optimistic that we would reach our destination. Landing on the continent on a short, dirt runway and walking towards the ocean to climb into the zodiac in order to reach the Magellan Explorer was one of my favorite memories. It was so unlike anything I had ever experienced. The ship was phenomenal--rooms were spacious, housekeeping staff attentive, and the stabilizers on the ship made for a relatively smooth ride, even in high seas. The expedition staff was the most passionate of any cruise I have been on (including Nat Geo) and lectures of their personal experiences in the Antarctic were one of the highlights of our time on the ship. We had the opportunity to kayak with German, who was incredibly knowledgable about navigating around icebergs and sea lions. Each zodiac excursion was unique and I learned a lot about penguins, fur seals and have a new love of the albatross. I enjoyed the international collection of guests--of the 48 only 13 were from the US. The food was delicious and varied --I gained a few pounds--and the wait staff were also friendly and excellent. Because of the delayed departure, we had to shorten our stay on the peninsula in order to reach South Georgia Island and return to S. American in time. Therefore, one caveat about the Fly-Sail trip is being aware that weather can impact the trip. The views and hikes around South Georgia Island were breath-taking. It is worth a trip in and of itself. Kudos to Hadleigh, the expedition leader, who kept us abreast of our daily activities and what to expect from the seas overnight in terms of sea-sickness potential. Having experts in multiple areas who were clearly dedicated to sharing their knowledge was also a treat--shout-outs to Marcelo (marine biology) , Dani (whale biology), and Ruslan (travels across Antarctic). The expedition crew was friendly, personable, and entertaining. They made an effort to include guests in their lectures with question and answer sessions, as well as a fun quiz at the end of our trip. Every member of the expedition staff helped to make the trip the wonderful. I also think we were lucky to have had AdventureSmith as our booking agent. We spent a lot of time on the phone with Taylor over a years time keeping our fingers crossed that our trip would take place. She was incredibly responsive and helpful. I cannot say enough about how spectacular this trip was. (Copied from Trip Advisor)

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