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Silver Explorer

Silver Explorer Antarktis-Kreuzfahrten

Preisgekrönte Reiserouten, die ideale Kombination aus Abenteuer und Komfort

Eine Polar-Kreuzfahrt an Bord der Silver Explorer

6 Bewertungen

Silver Explorer Deck plan

Willkommen an Bord der Silver Explorer, einem Expeditionskreuzfahrtschiff, das speziell für die Navigation in den abgelegenen Gewässern der Antarktis entwickelt wurde. Die Silver Explorer ist mit einem verstärkten Rumpf der Eisklasse 1A ausgestattet und kann sich mit Leichtigkeit durch das Eis schieben. Mit einer maximalen Passagierkapazität von 144 Personen und einer Besatzung von 118 Personen ist die Silver Explorer das kleinste Kreuzfahrtschiff der Silversea-Flotte und bietet ein intimeres Kreuzfahrterlebnis. Die 12 Zodiac-Boote an Bord des Kreuzfahrtschiffes ermöglichen es den Passagieren, die abgelegensten Orte zu besuchen, während das erfahrene Expeditionsteam bei jedem aufregenden Antarktis-Ausflug wertvolles Wissen beisteuert. Die preisgekrönten Reiserouten machen die Silver Explorer zur idealen Kombination aus unvergesslichem Abenteuer und außergewöhnlichem Service.

Die Silver Explorer ist bestrebt, Ihnen während Ihres Aufenthalts Komfort, landschaftlichen Charme und tadellosen Service zu bieten. Alle Suiten an Bord des Kreuzfahrtschiffes bieten Meerblick und Butler-Service. Die Silver Explorer verfügt über 20 Suiten mit französischem Balkon, wo Sie Ihren Morgenkaffee mit malerischem Blick auf den antarktischen Horizont genießen können. Die größte Suite an Bord, die Owner's Suite, ist beeindruckende 782 Quadratmeter groß (ca. 73 m²). Bei der Ankunft werden alle Passagiere mit Blumen, einem frischen Obstkorb und einem voll ausgestatteten Schrank mit Ihren Vorlieben begrüßt.

Zu den weiteren Annehmlichkeiten der Suite gehören Ferngläser, ein persönlicher Safe, kostenlose Filme und Dokumentationen, Wi-Fi, Marmorbäder und Toilettenartikel Ihrer Wahl, um nur einige zu nennen. Trinkgelder sind auf Ihrer Antarktis-Kreuzfahrt ebenfalls inbegriffen. Weitere Trinkgelder sind nicht erforderlich und werden von der Besatzung auch nicht erwartet.

Die Silver Explorer trägt ihren Namen zu Recht. Dieses Schiff wurde mit dem Geist der Entdeckung im Hinterkopf gebaut. Das Reiseprogramm besteht aus luxuriösen Antarktis-Abenteuer-Kreuzfahrten von 10 bis 21 Tagen Dauer. Die Silver Explorer ist mit einem Expeditionsteam von Spezialisten ausgestattet, die sich für die Antarktis begeistern und Experten im Aufspüren von Wildtieren sind. Vielleicht werden Sie sogar um 2 Uhr morgens geweckt, wenn ein Orca-Wal in der Nähe ist. Besuchen Sie während Ihrer Reise das Theater, wo Sie bei Expertenvorträgen Abenteuergeschichten hören oder etwas über die einheimische Flora, Fauna und Tierwelt erfahren.

Wenn die Passagiere nicht gerade an den aufregenden Ausflügen teilnehmen, bietet die Silver Explorer zahlreiche Unterhaltungs-, Entspannungs- und Fitnessmöglichkeiten. Ihre Antarktis-Kreuzfahrt ist nicht komplett ohne Martini- oder Weinverkostung, kulinarische Vorführungen oder nachmittägliche Teepartys im Freien. Die Lounges bieten auch eine Vielzahl von Brettspielen. Die Passagiere können auch das Internet-Café nutzen, das Surfstationen und kostenlose Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke anbietet.

Entspannen Sie sich in der Connoisseur Lounge und genießen Sie feinsten Cognac und erlesene Weine bei einer Zigarre. Oder lassen Sie sich an Bord im luxuriösen Zagara Beauty Spa und Salon verwöhnen. Das Spa ist mit einer Sauna, einem Dampfbad und einem Behandlungsraum ausgestattet. Eine absolut perfekte Art, sich nach einer Wanderung zu entspannen. Wenn Sie sich während Ihrer Kreuzfahrt körperlich betätigen möchten, gehen Sie in den kleinen Fitnessraum oder auf die Joggingstrecke an Bord der Explorer.

Um mehr über die erstaunlichen Silver Polar Expeditions zu erfahren, können Sie auch das 1-stündige Webinar ansehen, in dem viele Fragen ausführlich beantwortet werden.

Annehmlichkeiten an Bord der Silver Explorer

beauty salon

Beauty Salon












Butler Service


Alkoholische Getränke inklusive







rubber boots



Expedition Parka



zodiac fleet

Zodiac Fleet

Essen & Trinken an Bord der Silver Explorer

Das Silver Explorer ist stolz auf seine internationale Küche und bietet moderne Gerichte mit außergewöhnlichem Service und Raffinesse. Die Menüs bieten regionale Spezialitäten, die nur für kreuzfahrtfreie Reiseziele gehören. Sie können die frischesten Meeresfrüchte an Bord Ihrer Antarktis-Kreuzfahrt erwarten. Während der Tage auf See können die Passagiere eine Reihe von typischen Gerichten namens La Collection du Monde genießen, die von den renommierten Köchen von Relais & Chateaux zubereitet werden. Im Restaurant genießen Sie elegante, ungezwungene Speisen mit offenen Sitzen. Für ein interaktiveres kulinarisches Erlebnis lädt The Grill die Passagiere ein, ihr eigenes Essen direkt am Tisch mit Grillstein zuzubereiten. Nicht nur wird jeder Bissen perfekt gekocht, sondern es ist auch eine der gesündesten Mahlzeiten an Bord des Silver Explorer. Tagsüber verwandelt sich the Grill in eine Rotisserie und Gourmet-Burger- und Salatbar. Eine Fülle von Optionen für jeden Geschmack und Vorlieben.

Die Nachhaltigkeits-Philosophie der Silver Explorer

Zu unseren Nachhaltigkeitszielen gehören vor allem die aktive Verringerung der Auswirkungen und Emissionen unserer Schiffe, Investitionen in neue Technologien und die kontinuierliche Verbesserung unserer vorhandenen Ressourcen. Wir haben auch einen neuen emissionsarmen Motor in unser Veteranenschiff Ortelius eingebaut. Dieser Motor entspricht allen aktuellen Umweltvorschriften. Eine weitere wichtige Verpflichtung zur Nachhaltigkeit ist die Verwendung von schwefelarmem Marinegasöl (LSMGO), das einen Schwefelgehalt von weniger als 0,1 Prozent aufweist. Wir begrenzen die Abfallproduktion an Bord, indem wir so oft wie möglich recyceln und Einwegplastik verbieten. Auf diesem Schiff werden keine Strohhalme, Plastikbecher oder einzeln verpackte Butter, Joghurt und Marmelade verwendet. Das Schiff verfügt über eine Wasseraufbereitungsanlage und ein Entsalzungssystem, das mit Umkehrosmose arbeitet, so dass wir an Bord keine Wasserflaschen aus Plastik mehr verwenden. Stattdessen erhalten die Gäste eine wiederverwendbare Wasserflasche, die sie auf dem Schiff wieder auffüllen können. Die Badezimmer sind mit biologisch abbaubarem Shampoo und Seife in recycelten Verpackungen ausgestattet, was die Verwendung von Plastik weiter einschränkt.

Kabinen-Kategorien an Bord der Silver Explorer

View Suite


Doppelbett (umbaubar)

Max. Belegung:


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Vista Suite


Doppelbett (umbaubar)

Max. Belegung:


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Silver Suite


Doppelbett (umbaubar)

Max. Belegung:


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Medallion Suite


Doppelbett (umbaubar)

Max. Belegung:


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Owner's Suite


Doppelbett (umbaubar)

Max. Belegung:


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Explorer Suite


Doppelbett (umbaubar)

Max. Belegung:


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Adventurer Suite


Doppelbett (umbaubar)

Max. Belegung:


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Veranda Suite


Doppelbett (umbaubar)

Max. Belegung:


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Grand Suite


Doppelbett (umbaubar)

Max. Belegung:


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Technische Details der Silver Explorer

Mittelgroßes Schiff
Ice Class 1A
14 knots

Bewertungen von Silver Explorer

Albatros Expeditions Falkland Islands, South Georgia, Antarctica

Duncan Watts

Silver Explorer Antarctic Cruises


If you have the slightest possibility to take this trip - then book - you won't regret it! It was a huge privilege to see the beauty of Antarctica up close. We were able to make so many trips - onshore, by zodiac and in kayaks. We saw penguins (and eggs, and young), leopard seals, elephant seals, humpbacks, albatrosses, petrels and many more. We couldn't stop photographing the majesty of the ice in all its forms: massive tabular bergs, glacier fronts, all colours and shapes of icebergs, several carrying groups of penguins and most memorably paddling through the brash ice. Truly spectacular - a trip of a lifetime. We also felt extremely well looked after by Silversea and this added immensely to our experience. We were lucky (although not everyone was) to dodge the various covid-related hurdles on our journey to Puerto Williams to join the ship. Plenty of champagne and cocktails to help us settle in, an ever changing and delicious choice of food on board, fine wines and great service all the way - what's not to like. Sitting in the hot tub with a refreshing cocktail surrounded by the majesty of mountains and glaciers was the perfect way to unwind after our excursions. Silversea employ top notch experts & scientists on the bird life, sea life, history and geology of Antarctica. They looked after us on our excursions, explained what we were seeing and help us to become Antarctic enthusiasts and ambassadors; in addition we were treated to a schedule of informative and well presented lectures on-board which added immeasurably to our experience. This was our only cruise, booked as there is no other way to see Antarctica (unless you are a research scientist of explorer which we aren't - and as we are retired are unlikely to be). The Silver Explorer is a small ship by cruise standards which is why we picked it. Talking to more experienced cruisers about big ship cruising made us very glad about our choice. Covid meant that the Silver Explorer was sailing below capacity (70 guests out of a maximum capacity of 144), but I'm sure we'd have had a great experience if it had been full because everything was so well organized. We were able to take every trip possible - including 3 kayak trips (a favourite of ours). We were advised at the beginning that being Antarctic explorers meant being adaptable - plans must adapt to the conditions. In the event only one excursion was cancelled because of conditions (too much ice for the ship to access Mikkelson harbour). I am not the greatest sailor and the Drake passage was a bit bumpy for the first half day on the way out, the pills and the ships stabilizers worked and after a morning lying down I found my sea legs and all was literally plain sailing, the return journey couldn't have been smoother. Yes, getting into Chile and to the ship via multiple Covid tests and reams of paperwork was a faff - but the trip was so very definitely worth it. (Copied from Trip Advisor)

Oceanwide Expeditions Falklands, South Georgia, Antarctica

Dale R

Silver Explorer Antarctic Cruises


It is not the newest of ships by any means. Yet it is very comfortable and the crew is outstanding. We did an 18 day Antarctica cruise, going to the Falklands, South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula. The food was outstanding, always fresh (how do they keep lettuce fresh for 18 days?) and varied. we never had the same offering on the menu twice. Our housekeeping staff and butler always attentive and were able to meet our every need. If they did not have it now, somehow without any stop in a port for over a week it would somehow materialize. Silver Seas is all inclusive. You do not pay anything more than the cost of the cruise. All excursions, tips, gratuities, drinks whether at the bar or with you meal are included. If I ever cruise again, Silver Seas will be the company I go with. (Copied from Trip Advisor)

South Georgia & the Falklands


Silver Explorer Antarctic Cruises


We recently spent 12 days on the Silver Explorer expedition to the Antarctic Peninsula. The passengers met in Buenos Aires, where we were given an orientation and tested for fever. From B.A. we took a charter flight to Ushuaia, Argentina. We were given a tour and lunch at a restaurant near Ushuaia. The ship departed that evening from Ushuaia and returned there. This was a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience. The ship was just the right size, the food was delicious, the crew was very accommodating, and the expedition leader and guides were very knowledgeable and informed. They were passionate about their jobs and it showed. On this particular cruise, the ship sailed below the Antarctic Circle. The captain and crew managed to guide the ship through magnificent waters containing icebergs, whales, penguins, birds, seals, etc. We saw icebergs calving from glaciers. We toured a shipwrecked whaling boat from the last century. We thoroughly enjoyed this expedition and would highly recommend it. (Copied from Trip Advisor)

Aurora Expeditions Greg Mortimer Falklands, South Georgia & Antarctica Peninsula


Silver Explorer Antarctic Cruises


It is very hard to describe this amazing trip, what we learned, what we saw and how it feels to be in these places. There are no words adequate to describe this trip. The ship is great, not too big, not too small, so even in rougher seas, it does pretty well but small enough to do landings and see a lot. Some of the amenities are over the top (butlers, sit down dinner service, superb chef and sommelier), but the expedition team was outstanding and it's unlikely you would get such a fantastic group on some of the lower key ships. The all suite ship does have smaller and larger cabins, we were in mid-ship which was a good idea when it got rough (lower is better), The food and service is amazing not least the wait staff who had superb balance and a sense of humor, the staff gets to go on some of the landings and zodiacs to experience where we are, which I liked. I also got my hair cut by a really good stylist (Madeline), and a facial from the super masseuse/cosmetologist (Megan, also a fabulous entertainer with a great voice). And they were really nice people, everyone was just super nice and friendly and seemed to like where they were working. The trip is incredible: Black browed Albatrosses and Rockhopper penguins nesting in West point, Falkland Islands, unbelieveable colonies of beautiful King penguins and their funny large brown chicks alongside fur seals and elephant seals in South Georgia, elephant seals and Macaroni and Gentoo penguins so numerous we could not even land but saw by zodiac on Elephant Island in two locations, the truly awesome Gerlache strait, Antarctic Sound and the Peninsula, with Adelie and Gentoo penguins nesting, alongside molting elephant seals, leopard seals, tons of whales including Humpbacks, Minkes, Fin, Southern Rights and Orca. And finally South Shetlands with nesting Chinstrap colonies. And then the Drake passage, which well, could have been worse but for the masterful sailing. The crew under the capable Captain Andrey Domanin, showed their experience often, including when leaving the Antarctic Sound and having to push aside icebergs to get out of the Sound, not least sailing to and from South Georgia and through the Drake passage. And nearly always, various birds around the ship including albatrosses, other petrels, terns and in the water penguins elegantly swimming and jumping through the water. The expedition team was fantastic, including Robin Aiello-the first woman to dive in Antarctica, Damien Sanders who spent years at the South Georgia research station and gave us the history, especially of the Shackleton expedition, Malcolm Turner who oversaw research on the Great Barrier Reef and is an experienced and knowledgeable ornithologist who also gave the climate change lecture (which was still questioned by some passengers), Ffion Rees, marine biologist whose whale lecture ended with a whale sighting, geologist James Lowe on the underwater and visible geology and volcanic and plate activity, Stephan Hauke, meteorology and sailing expert, Scott Kiefer, conservationist and last but not least, Luke Kenny the amazing and patient expedition leader whose announcements often were our alarm clocks and also had experience in the "neighborhood", and his capable staff, assistant Darryn Griffiths, coordinator Leonie Vieth, staffer Tania Jeken, photographer Ross McDonald. All these people were incredibly knowledgeable, approachable, very nice, and quite funny. Super story tellers who could and did make fun of themselves at times. This was our 40th wedding anniversary and also we had Christmas and New Years. All great fun. We did have the unfortunate experience of having to visit the doctor when an unfortunate accident with the wind ripped my husband's finger and both Dr. (Frans) and nurse (Angel) were super nice and very professional. Luckily we did not have to get flown out as the injury was manageable with stitches and it happened on days at sea and early enough to allow him to wear gloves later on. But it underscored the need for insurance to cover emergency flights and care. Biosecurity was taken very seriously to keep the environment pristine, which meant scrubbing boots, having all outer gear examined and cleaned. We rented waterproof pants and boots which were delivered to our room and luckily fit and we and most people, wore the Silversea parkas so a sea of red jackets were often in view but helped us see how far the zodiacs actually were going for the expeditions. I could go on endlessly as this was the best trip I've ever taken and I was lucky enough to be able to do this. It is expensive, but truly the trip of a lifetime. I had no idea about South Georgia but so glad we went there so I would highly recommend this loop. I wish I could do it again... perhaps I will. And if you don't take climate change seriously, seeing pictures of the glaciers from the experienced staff's slides and how they have receded may change your mind and make you think twice about what you should support. As this trip had people from many countries, this is a global question that hopefully will soon be answered differently so Antarctica will be able to have penguins for many years. (Copied from Trip Advisor)

Silversea Antarctica Photos


Silver Explorer Antarctic Cruises


We have done many cruises with Silversea, mostly on the exploration vessels. From beginning to the end of the cruise everything is amazing. The Silver Suite is spacious and very light with floor to ceiling windows. The staff are so efficient and friendly and we often meet staff members and crew from previous trips. The itinerary with the 18 days cruise was very good and we had very good weather. Pre-cruise logistics is sometimes a little strange as when one arrives in B; Aires in Business Class (no First on BA anymore) the transfer to Ushuaia allows only one suitcase and one carry on of 8kgs even if it's a charter by Silversea and we've had problems with LATAM. When traveling for 6 weeks they should allow more baggage etc, especially with a charter. We keep coming back to Silversea because of the whole exploration cruise experience with them. (Copied from Trip Advisor)

Silver Explorer


Silver Explorer Antarctic Cruises


Top notch captain & crew delivered on every promise this cruise company made to the passengers in the brochure&on-line presentation. This was our first expedition cruise & since than we only travel on small vessels & expedition style cruise. Everything was organized to perfection. Our Medallion suite had a huge terrace which is a plus even on a cruise to Antarctica. Restaurant staff was very inventive considering that there were very few places to get fresh produce. Butler service is an amazing help&makes you feel like a VIP every day. Can't give enough compliments to everyone who made this cruise such an amazing experience. (Copied from Trip Advisor)

2024 Polartours, eine Marke der Ventura TRAVEL GmbH

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