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G Expedition Antarktis & Arktis

Antarktis und Arktis-Kreuzfahrten an Bord der G Expedition

Ein geräumiges und doch persönliches Kreuzfahrtschiff

Eine Polar-Kreuzfahrt an Bord der G Expedition

16 Bewertungen


Was wir an der G Expedition lieben

Verhältnis von 1:10 Crew zu Passagieren

Seit 2009 dasselbe Expeditionsteam

Alle Kabinen haben einen Blick ins Freie

Wiederverwendbare Wasserflaschen für jeden Passagier an Bord

Motor läuft nur mit Biodiesel

Organisierte Strandsäuberungen auf Arktis-Kreuzfahrten mit Cocktail-Gutscheinen als Anreiz

Stolzes Mitglied der Clean Seas Initiative

G Expedition Deck plan

Willkommen an Bord der G Expedition, einem intimen und komfortablen Rahmen für eine außergewöhnliche Abenteuerreise zu den Enden der Erde. Die G Expedition, die von vielen als ein Zuhause fernab der Heimat beschrieben wird, kombiniert hervorragende Unterkünfte, fachkundige Reiseleiter, schwer zu widerstehendes Komfortessen und eine entspannte und unterhaltsame Atmosphäre, die Ihre Reise in die Polarregionen zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis macht. Das Kreuzfahrtschiff für maximal 134 Passagiere wurde gebaut, um Ihnen einige der erstaunlichsten und abgelegensten Orte unseres Planeten näher zu bringen: Die Arktis und die Antarktis. Machen Sie Ihre nächste Kreuzfahrt zu einer Reise, an die Sie sich für den Rest Ihres Lebens erinnern werden.

Mit ihren 5 Kabinenkategorien ist die G Expedition für alle Komfortstufen geeignet. Die Betten sind so bequem, dass Sie vergessen werden, dass Sie sich auf einem fahrenden Kreuzfahrtschiff befinden. Alle Kabinen verfügen über ein eigenes Bad und haben Zugang zu einem Außenbereich. Zu den Annehmlichkeiten an Bord der G Expedition gehören große öffentliche Bereiche, die während der Überfahrt und zwischen den Landausflügen genutzt werden können, die Pinguin-Bibliothek, ein Ausrüstungsgeschäft, eine medizinische Klinik mit einem englischsprachigen Arzt, ein Fitnesscenter, eine Sauna und vieles mehr. Ganz zu schweigen von dem freundlichen und professionellen Hotelpersonal, das sich bemüht, Ihren Aufenthalt so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten. Aber eine Kreuzfahrt mit G Expedition wäre nicht vollständig ohne die große Flotte von Zodiacs, die Sie durch die abgelegenen arktischen und antarktischen Gebiete navigieren, die für größere Kreuzfahrtschiffe unzugänglich sind. So können Sie die einheimische Flora und Fauna aus nächster Nähe betrachten und spektakuläre Erinnerungen mit nach Hause nehmen.

Während einer G Expedition Polar-Kreuzfahrt werden Sie von einem professionellen und hochqualifizierten Team von Experten an Bord geführt. Diese enthusiastischen und sachkundigen Besatzungsmitglieder sind Experten in allen Bereichen, von Geologie bis Meeresbiologie, und bieten Ihnen einzigartige Einblicke und praktische Unterstützung, die Sie in keinem Reiseführer finden. Mit einem Verhältnis von 10:1 zwischen Gästen und Experten werden Sie ein intimeres Erlebnis und ein tieferes Verständnis der unglaublichen Polarregionen erleben. In der Lounge erhalten Sie täglich spannende Nachbesprechungen über das, was Sie während Ihrer Landexpedition gesehen haben. Sie erhalten auch interessante Vorträge, die Ihnen zeigen, was Sie am nächsten Tag auf Ihrer nächsten Expedition sehen könnten. Das Beste an einer Polarkreuzfahrt von G Expedition ist, dass Sie sich entspannen können, weil Sie wissen, dass Sie in den Händen von Experten sind, die sich wirklich darum kümmern, dass Ihre Reise in die Arktis und Antarktis zu einem magischen Erlebnis wird.

Jeder Passagier einer Polarkreuzfahrt von G Expedition erhält seinen eigenen exklusiven Parka, der in der Reise enthalten ist. Erkunden Sie die Arktis und Antarktis in vollem Komfort mit Ihrem Hochleistungsparka, der speziell für die kältesten Wetterbedingungen entwickelt wurde. Der offizielle G-Expedition-Parka verfügt über ein atmungsaktives, wasserdichtes Material, eine herausnehmbare, 5 cm dicke Isolierung, reflektierende Abdeckungen und eine abnehmbare Kapuze mit Mikrofleece-Futter. Erforschen Sie die rauen Polarregionen mit Stil und Komfort.

Annehmlichkeiten an Bord der G Expedition






Expedition Parka



zodiac fleet

Zodiac Fleet

computer room

Computer Room



rubber boots

Rubber Boots



doctor's suitcase

Medizinische Dienstleistungen



rubber boots


conference room



Kayaks an Bord

Essen & Trinken an Bord der G Expedition

Das unwiderstehliche Essen an Bord der G Expedition umfasst feine internationale Küche und köstliches Comfort Food. Das Küchenpersonal der Expedition besteht aus 30 Personen und kann viele Wünsche erfüllen. Vegetarisch, koscher, was immer Sie wollen - sie können es berücksichtigen! Alle Mahlzeiten werden im Albatross-Speisesaal serviert, einem eleganten und einladenden Raum, der groß genug ist, um alle Gäste in einer Sitzung unterzubringen.

Treffen Sie Ihre Mitreisenden und lernen Sie sie bei einem Essen mit offenem Tisch kennen. Gehen Sie rüber zum Polar Bear Pub für einen Drink und Live-Musik. Oder wenn Sie mutig genug sind, nehmen Sie an einem freundschaftlichen Tanzwettbewerb teil. Es gibt immer etwas zu tun an Bord einer G Expedition Polar-Kreuzfahrt.

Die Nachhaltigkeits-Philosophie der G Expedition

Zu unseren Nachhaltigkeitszielen gehören vor allem die aktive Reduzierung der Auswirkungen und Emissionen unserer Schiffe, Investitionen in neue Technologien und die kontinuierliche Verbesserung unserer vorhandenen Ressourcen. Unser neues Schiff, m/v Hondius, ist von Grund auf so konzipiert, dass es nur die neueste grüne Technologie verwendet. Es verwendet LED-Beleuchtung, Dampfheizung, biologisch abbaubare Farben und Schmierstoffe, einstellbare Pitch-Propeller, Wellengeneratoren anstelle von Dieselgeneratoren, Tier-III-Motoren, die Stickoxide reduzieren, Abwärme, die für die Produktion von Frischwasser wiederverwendet werden kann, und flexible Energiemanagementsysteme, die Kraftstoffverbrauch und Kohlendioxidemissionen niedrig halten. Insbesondere haben diese effizienten neuen Motoren unseren durchschnittlichen Kraftstoffverbrauch pro Passagier um mehr als 35 Prozent gesenkt, was Hondius zu einem der ökologisch nachhaltigsten Schiffe in den Polarregionen macht. Ein weiteres wichtiges Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit ist die Verwendung schwefelarmer Meeresgasöle (LSMGO), die einen Schwefelgehalt von weniger als 0,1 Prozent aufweisen.

Wir begrenzen die Produktion von Bordabfällen, indem wir so oft wie möglich recycling und Einwegkunststoffe verbieten. Dieses Schiff verwendet keine Strohhalme, Plastikbecher oder einzeln verpackte Butter, Joghurt und Marmelade. Dieses Gefäß verfügt über ein Wasseraufbereitungssystem und entsalzt, das Umkehrosmose verwendet, so dass wir die Verwendung von Plastikwasser an Bord zu beseitigen. Vielmehr erhalten die Gäste eine wiederverwendbare Wasserflasche, die sie auf dem Behälter nachfüllen können. Die Badezimmer sind mit biologisch abbaubarem Shampoo und Seife in recycelter Verpackung ausgestattet, was unseren Einsatz von Kunststoffen weiter einschränkt.

Kabinen-Kategorien an Bord der G Expedition

Kategorie 2 - Zweibett-Kabine



Max. Belegung:


Mehr zu dieser Kabine

Kategorie 3 - Zweibett Kabine


Doppelbett (umbaubar)

Max. Belegung:


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Triple Share Kabine



Max. Belegung:


Mehr zu dieser Kabine

Quad Share Cabin



Max. Belegung:


Mehr zu dieser Kabine

Suite Cabin


Doppelbett (umbaubar)

Max. Belegung:


Mehr zu dieser Kabine

Kategorie 4 - Doppelkabine


Doppelbett (umbaubar)

Max. Belegung:


Mehr zu dieser Kabine

Technische Details der G Expedition

Mittelgroßes Schiff
Ice Class 1B
105 meters
6334 tons
13 knots
Four totally covered lifeboats provide capacity for all passengers and crew, while six liferafts boast a capacity of 150 persons.
4.7 meters

Reisen an Bord der G Expedition

Bewertungen von G Expedition


G Expedition Antarctica and Arctic Cruises


G Expedition belongs to "G Adventures" which is a small group tour company with tours all over the world. Therefore if you are a single traveller you could choose to share a room instead of paying a single supplement. The crew is amazing and guest satisfaction is bigger than holding to a certain itinerary. I travelled with the tour called "Spirit of Shackelton" from Ushuaia to Falkland Islands (2 days), South Georgia (4 days) and Antartic Peninsula (5 days). Beforehand only this number was clear, but not where we will make landfall. And the crew made really the best afford to make the most landings as possible and we even made detours on the ship to follow a blow of a whale. Shore Excursions are all included and made with Zodiacs boats, so one should be able to enter such a boat. It's a mixture of landings and Zodiac boat cruises. (Bring at least waterproof trousers and a protection for your camera). We were provided (included in the price, to take home with you) with a water bottle, which could be filled the whole day at a water station and with a thick jacket. Also tea and coffee were available through the whole day for free. During sea days the crew gave lectures about nature, wildlife and history of the places we were visiting. And in the evening we had life music, movies and other entertainment in the Polar Bear Bar and in the Lounge. The food was amazing for such a small ship and only alcoholic beverages and fizzy drinks had to by bought, but still water was provided free to each meal. (Feedback from CruiseCritic)


G Expedition Antarctica and Arctic Cruises


This was the most enjoyable cruise I've ever done. Ship is spacious, cabin was bigger than many mainstream cruise ships. The staff and food is excellent. There's room for everyone to be seated at meal times so go when you want. No lineups to eat, or disembark, no line ups for anything. Staff lectures are outstanding. Here's the best part, there's no art sales, casinos, jewelry shops, staff taking unwanted photos. There is one dinning room with no upcharges to dine here or there. There's a small store that sells necessities, it's open 1 hour after lunch and dinner. They give you a nice reusable water bottle, it's in your room when you arrive, there's potable water dispensers throughout the ship. they have an open bridge policy, go up whenever you want, fascinating experience, especially when navigating tight channels. I enjoyed it so much I booked the Scotland/Norway with them in 2021. Simply the best. (Copied from Cruisecritic)


G Expedition Antarctica and Arctic Cruises


I've traveled throughout the world but Antarctica tops the list of places I've been. My tour was with G Adventures and specifically the Antarctica Classic In-depth. I couldn't be more happy with the experience. First off, the crew were incredible. Our expedition leader was in fact featured on Blue Planet (Whale Sharks) and set the tone for the expedition. But all of the crew were fantastic and they gave talks on history, wildlife, climate and were also our zodiac leaders. I signed up for the Kayaking option which I highly recommend. There's limited spots but if you have kayaking experience it really does offer a perspective that's unique. You don't have to kayak during each operation, so a couple time I went on land as well, but you can't beat being a foot away from the water, touching icebergs, seeing penguins swim past. The organization of the daily activities was top notch. There's a daily briefing posted each morning and a recap in the lounge every evening before dinner. They kept us up to date on everything that was happening, both from a weather perspective and also some key points around the area we're travelling. I also appreciated their concern with the environment and impact on the wildlife and ensuring our footprint was as minimal as possible. It's a balance to want to see such a beautiful place but also understanding that you being there can potentially have a detrimental effect. So they're sensitivity around this was appreciated in addition to their contribution around Planeterra. The size of the ship was just right. Only 120 passengers which meant it never felt crowded, operations to land were quick and efficient, and the captain regularly opened the bridge so you could sit and enjoy things from that perspective, with binoculars provided for bird or iceberg watching. This would not be possible on the larger ships. As for the food, incredible. The cooks got a standing ovation at the end of the trip. I'm not even sure how they managed so many amazing and varied meals over the 12 days. Anyway, I think you can guess I had a great time. I highly recommend this tour company and what they stand for. (Copied from Cruisecritic)


G Expedition Antarctica and Arctic Cruises


Lovely arctic weather and a helpful expedition staff made this trip to Svalbard, Greenland and Iceland truly exceptional. We were very excited by our two polar bear experiences. We saw a mother bear supervising her two cubs fishing! This is apparently an unusual polar bear activity. We also saw a mother bear protecting her cub from a male polar bear. Murdering the young is apparently a common male polar bear activity. We spent pleasant hours trekking across the arctic tundra, occasionally spotting musk ox, arctic fox and puffins. The zodiaks took us to retreating glaciers, magnificent icebergs and allowed us to view the wildlife still around as the arctic summer ended and we approached winter. It was a special treat to be woken to observe the Northern lights during our brief late summer nights. The food was adequate and well prepared, the beds comfortable and our safety on shore excursions well managed. I must also complement the expedition staff on their uniformly excellent lectures. My wife and I truly enjoyed our first arctic experience. (Copied from Cruisecritic)

Dick Stumbles

G Expedition Antarctica and Arctic Cruises


We got on this cruise initially because it fitted into our schedule and offered all the attractions. How lucky were we! We had an adventure that you dream about. The ship, the crew, the expedition staff and the organisation were all nothing short of excellent. Leaving from Ushuaia the day after our arrival gave us the chance to have a trip to the National Park as well as a look around this little town at the end of the world. Very pretty with plenty of restaurants to eat the local crab delicacy as well as shops for the last minute gear. The cabin was quite roomy with the en-suite bathroom more than adequate for the two of us. Stewards saw to our every need while the food was varied, very tasty and in no short supply. Two expeditions per day was the plan and we made it every day and there were usually options to do Zodiac explorations before landing. Abundant wildlife and stunning scenery was just an everyday event! The expedition Staff were all highly qualified and experienced giving presentations on history, wildlife, geography etc each day we were at sea, Always interesting and informative with no question going unanswered. Very strong health and safety instruction and practice made for a safe holiday especially when zodiac landings were on the agenda. I have no hesitation in recommending this cruise/ship to anyone. (Copied from Cruisecritic)

Sam Bradley

G Expedition Antarctica and Arctic Cruises


We booked this holiday to celebrate my 40th Birthday even though we booked well over a year in advance we only just got in as all the best ships sell out incredibly quickly. embarking / disembarking was a doddle so quick and organised your cases were waiting at your room or on the dock when you left a quick photo on the way in and you're accounted for with your ID for the trip. This truly was a holiday of a life time Alex and his staff / experts on board were amazing incredible backgrounds including having a professional photographers on board to help and take photos of the 10 days. The experts are so approachable and they loved sharing such a special place with us. Making sure we spotted all wildlife, birds etc and they were experts on the history of Antarctica they remind you of all the bad things people have done out there to make sure they don't happen again! The captain was brilliant even taking us to a place no tourist ship had visited before a place called Adey cove - named after the lady on board who organised everything to do with the ship and it's adventures. Every day just got better and better. The food was amazing great choice EVERYONE was catered for Veggies, Vegans, gluten free at every sitting. Being a veggie I worried about what I would eat and there was better choice than most restaurants at home! It felt like they were constantly feeding you! The cabin was way bigger than expected we had a twin on the 3rd level. The zodiac cruises / land drop offs were all military precision everything was so well organised they maximised the time spent off the ship getting 2 stops a day apart from the last day when they dropped anchor to go ashore but the ship carried on due to high winds! You are only allowed 100 people onshore at any time this was NEVER an issue with G adventures as you would have time on land then have a zodiac cruise so you got both at each location so everyone was happy! They offered a hike up a mountain, a glacier hike amongst other items. There was kayaking available but we were too late in the year for camping. We had the Drake Lake going out made fantastic time the captain keeping the sailing as gentle as possible but experienced a bit of the Drake shake on the way back never feeling unsafe on our ship. The doctor on board made sure everyone travelled comfortably. We barely had any time in our cabin or any time to use the gym or library, there were constantly lectures about wildlife, history, photography, environmental concerns very interesting and well led with big screens all around the room. We made the most of the experience and attended all of them - you can sleep when you get home..... They had great drinks with fair prices $6 for beer $8 for cocktails other than happy hour and around $20 for wind but not bad really. There was as much tea / coffee / hot chocolate etc as you could drink available 24 hours. The captain was brilliant even taking us to a place no tourist ship had visited before a place called Adey cove - named after the lady on board who organised everything to do with the ship and it's adventures. The wildlife was out of this world constant call outs when there was something to be seen although in the time you weren't in lectures it paid to stay out on deck. We saw fin, minke and Humpback whales, (13 together at one point) crab eater, weddell and leopard seals. 3 types of penguins I could watch them for hours and really didn't want to come home! If you want to get close and personal with the penguins go in March as they are very curious and come up to you if you sit quietly. We saw leopard seals feeding (sad but you had to watch in a horrible way) We saw Albatrosses all the time and huge petrels What I loved about the ship was how eco they were no plastic on board. outdoor clothing was hoovered before you started expeditions to avoid contamination. They are working on projects to prevent albatross deaths and sending research data to scientists who work to help protect the oceans. They work with Nasa to help them see what the climate is like. They encourage everyone to send whale and seal photos to people who are monitoring them there to see if they recognise them to plot patterns and protect them. They even collected a journalist from a Greenpeace ship who needed to go home quickly and he gave his presentation to us on the krill fishing and how bad it is for Antarctica. They made you aware of how bad plastic, fish farms etc are for the environment they do so much to help improve things for the wildlife out there. It was a fantastic experience getting involved in these knowing you were making a difference. They had documentaries on in the evening and live music in the bar. The scenery was unreal fantastic sunsets, blizzards, bright sunshine every condition everything so photographic! We saw the milky way one night the skies were so clear at times you never realised there were so many stars! They had a fancy dress night and an auction night to raise money for the charity. G-Adventures are a not for profit organisation so you are supporting Antarctica in a big way booking with them. We will be going to the Arctic in the future and will make sure it is with this ship everything was perfect! Thank you so much for an adventure of a lifetime! (Copied from Cruisecritic)

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